Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Sleep time - old habits die hard

My parents started putting me to bed in a different room since I was 9 months old. However, what they did not do was to let me go to bed by myself. They put a queen size futon mattress in my room and so my mommy or daddy would go to bed with me and stay there till I was all asleep. More than half the time, they would actually fall asleep while putting me to bed and so will sleep beside me the entire night :) Often times, it would take like 30 to 60 mins for me to go to sleep. When I am not sleepy, I will do all sorts of "nakhras" like ask for water, insist to hear more and more stories, just roll around and do some masti, demand to sleep in their lap or on their shoulder or ask to go for pee pee, etc

Now that I am 3, they are trying hard to get me to sleep on my own. They have been lucky 4-5 times so far (over last 2-3 months) when I have volunteered to sleep on my own and have also successfully done that. However, they are having a hard time getting me to do that everyday. They have tried lots of different options like bribing me with stickers, goodies like lollipop and ice cream AND putting on my favorite songs and music in my room AND telling me that if I sleep on my own, then a fairy will come and put something nice under my pillow AND even making up lots of different stories about other kids that I know who sleep on their own.. but so far, they haven't had luck. God - please give them more patience - They will need it more than ever once my little brother is here since it will be the two of us testing it everyday then :)

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