Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Third Quarter of 3rd year of my life

Hello !

I am now 2 years and 9 months old. This past quarter has been very exciting. I wanted to share with you some of the fun things and activities from the last quarter:

* First day at school: Although my first day at school was a "trial" day on Friday, I technically started part-time (Tuesday and Thursday) pre-school at Bright Horizons today. My mommy and daddy had prepped me for the first day and so I was really looking forward to it. I met my teachers - Miss Shefali and Miss Crystal and all my classmates. I had my breakfast and lunch there and played in the school's backyard with sand and swing and cycles. I was not very used to other activities and so I just watched. I will get used to them as I continue to go. I will have more stories to share with you next time.

* Little baby on the way: As you know, I am going to be a big sister in January. I was so excited with this news, that I went and told my baby-sitter at 7 weeks that there is a baby in my mommy's tummy :) Thankfully, I don't have to keep it a secret any more. I am prepping up to help my parents with the feeding and diaper changing and taking care of the little one. The baby is taking a lot of time to grow up and come out of mommy's tummy - I can't wait.

* I am a big girl now: I touched the 3 feet mark this quarter. I also have one more teeth making the total count 17 with the 18th one on its way.

* Summer activities: I enjoyed swimming and biking a lot this summer. My dad used to take me to swimming classes and it was a blast. Although, I don't like water on my face and head, the different water activities like monkey walk, kicking, singing songs and dancing, etc was lot of fun. My teacher, Miss Katelyn, was also very good and loving. I got the big girl's bike and I love riding it. I ride it almost every day and I have good control of speed and turns now. I also enjoy riding on daddy's bike in the little baby seat. Its like having fun without doing any work :) I went to a circus for the first time in my life and it was so much fun watching the jokers, elephants, horses, tigers and all their tricks and performances. Last but not the least, I enjoyed the trip to the Gilroy Gardens on a hot hot summer day. Although it was very hot, I enjoyed the various rides and not to forget the ice cream :)

* Learning: I can sing and read the ABC..XYZ. I am now learning to read the lower case letters. I can count till 25. I am learning to identify all the numbers now. I can also count the objects - for eg: if you give me a bunch of coins, I can count and tell you how many coins I have. I can name the 7 days of the week and the 12 months of the year. I also know that my birthdate is on 16th December :). I can spell my name and correct you if you spell it incorrectly :). I can sing lot of english and gujarati songs and some bollywood songs too - My favorite one is "Kajra re, Kajre, tere kale kale naina". I can understand and answer some questions in English like What is your name?, What is your daddy and mommy's name? Where do daddy and mommy work?, etc. Now that I have started going to school, I expect to learn lot of English words and sentences. My parents are hoping that I will continue to speak and understand Gujarati at the same time - we shall see :)

Here are some of my latest pictures:


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